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Who wants to put on a swimsuit or a cute new Spring dress if unsightly veins are a problem? Well, the number of clients who have come to us over the years for Sclerotherapy allows us to give you an honest answer-NOBODY. Dot has been treating patients for this condition for years. She is an expert in performing sclerotherapy treatments. She has years of experience and hundreds of happy patients, who are glad they came in during the Winter - so they could look great by Springtime.

Sclerotherapy is an injection treatment that involves treating unwanted, prominent, small, thin veins (telangiectasias or sunburst varicosities) that lie close to the surface of the skin. They show up in several colors – red, blue and purple. Caused by heredity, pregnancy, hormonal shifts, weight gain, occupations or activities that require prolonged sitting or standing and/or the use of certain medications, this condition usually causes aching and burning. Dot has found that in addition to eliminating unwanted veins, the Sclerotherapy also reduces the fragility of leg skin, which is a part of the normal aging process. She will listen sensitively to your concerns, educate you about the procedure and then skillfully and gently help you get rid of your problem veins!


  • It’s chosen every year by millions of women who are bothered by spider veins
  • Sclerotherapy is a safe injection treatment that’s been used since the 1930’s
  • The injections mild sclerosing agents diminish unsightly small veins
  • Treatments are predictable with minimal discomfort
  • A treatment takes about 30 minutes – or a lunch hour
  • One session can produce great results – you may need 2 or more
  • It takes from 10-14 days for treated veins to be absorbed & disappear
  • Treatments also reduce fragility of leg skin – caused by normal aging
  • During your personal consultation – you’ll get all the info you need
  • It’s an in-office procedure – that’s customized to suit your specific needs!
  • Because it takes from 10-14 days for the veins to be absorbed and disappear following a treatment – Dot recommends that you allow enough time between your treatments and that big event. Start treatments early to ensure the outcome you want.

Lasers are also an important treatment procedure often used in treating larger veins. Dot will discuss this with your and determine if you are a candidate for laser vein treatment or if Sclerotherapy is the best option.